
ENPI-CBC and the future of the Mediterranean

The set of brochures “Mediterranean Stories. People cooperating across borders” presented during the NextMed conference: a selection of the most important projects realized within the European cross-border programme, managed by the Sardinia Region


Mediterranean: human heritage

From current critical situations to the media system distortions and the need to “return to our humanity”, through art and culture: these are Michele Capasso’s reflections presented along with the activities of the Mediterranean Foundation and the MAM at the ICS Rome


Europe: from the roots to the future

Europe's heritage made of memories and values, a unique history, its path towards reconciliation and its “humanistic civilization” are at the heart of the book “Notre européanité” by Alfonso Mattera Ricigliano published by LGDJ


Bibliotheca Alexandrina, to see the past with new eyes

A crossroads between East and West, Alexandria is still one of the most important cities in the Mediterranean basin. Its glorious past, however, risks to be forgotten. To avoid this forgetfulness, turning the heritage also in an economic asset, is the objective of IAM, presented by Yasser Aref




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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