
The pursuit of happiness

What makes a community happy? Ability to receive, sense of beauty, release of the cure/treatment. But above all, the desire to imagine a better future


Value-visualization: that’s how the PA can return to speak plainly

Show, do not tell: between infographics and data visualization of all kinds, the art of storytelling seems to become (or go back) something totally visual


Content: the new digital emperor

Quality of content, advertising of things and big data: these were the key words of the IAB Forum, with the participation of Oliver Stone as the guest star


A small lexicon for communication to come

The new Magbook, to be released in 2016, will include an annotated review of the new communication key concepts. Happiness, trust, sharing are some of the nodes collected in a real conceptual network, whose most authentic added value can be found in the intersection of creativity




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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