
Expo after Expo: the legacy of the exposition continues online

A gift to collective memory: Wiki Expo, a project for the storage of all the knowledge created during the six months of the Universal Exposition in Milan, between open source and design thinking, will allow to extend online the event legacy


Nobel Peace Prize, exports on top: Tunisia breaks all records

From the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize to the record in oil production: Tunisia keeps achieving political acknowledgements and economic results as a reward to its young democracy


A "zero waste" Europe: a focus with the Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis

In a hungry world, food waste appears not only foolish, but ethically unacceptable: that’s what Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for health and food security, said reflecting on the opportunity of the Expo and the new ambitious EU projects


Giovanni Allevi: music? A tool for citizenship

Interpreter of collective sentiments and vehicle of shared values: here’s the profile of the artist in Giovanni Allevi opinion, reflecting on the language of music and its exceptional ability to help institutions and citizens to meet, talk and act together



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