
Nobel Peace Prize, exports on top: Tunisia breaks all records

From the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize to the record in oil production: Tunisia keeps achieving political acknowledgements and economic results as a reward to its young democracy

Not only the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to Tunisia’s “National Dialogue Quartet” for its decisive contribution in building a pluralistic democracy: this year Tunisia gains the highest step of the podium also for olive oil exports, constraining Spain, the world leader in production, to the second place.

According to the most recent data (September 2015) of the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, during the 2014/2015 season  Tunisian olive oil exportation has indeed reached about 300 thousand tonnes, allowing record incomes amounting to 1902 million dinars (about 860 million Euros).

This value is six times higher than the one recorded in the 2013/2014 season, when Tunisian olive oil export had stopped at 291 million Dinars (about 131 million Euros); this value also follows an increase of the average sales price on international markets, which grow of 8,3% in 2014/2015 compared to the previous season.



ICS Editorial

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