
“Gusto Blumm”: when gourmet cuisine meets the brand

Food and communication: a successful combination which has driven big companies to create exclusive culinary products conveying their brand values and identity for over a century. This was the tradition inspiring “Gusto Blumm”, the new praline by Pomilio Blumm


Arab Springs: a process still in progress

"Italy calls Africa", a seminar with the African countries’ ambassadors, was held in Rome on the occasion of the Mandela Day, at the presence of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Laura Boldrini, and the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lapo Pistelli


Creative Citizenship, a meeting in London with Mulgan

How creativity can enrich everyday life and create social value? That's the main theme of the conference Creative Citizens. The meeting will be opened by Geoff Mulgan, former speaker of ICS Europe, with a lecture on some of the topics debated in Brussels last year


Transparency monitoring the 2014 European elections

For the very first time, in 2014 European elections have been characterized by transnational features. These elements have been observed and analysed by Transparency International-EU office in its last report published online



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