
Business people: Money Gram Award 2015

They come from the Czech Republic, Tunisia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Poland and China. What do they have in common? Doing business with passion for their work: here’s a look at the winners of the MoneyGram Award, the prize for foreign entrepreneurship in Italy


Relational business: the economic diplomacy of Morocco in Western Africa

King Mohammed VI to Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau and Gabon to assess the state of progress of partnership projects launched in order to strengthen the presence of Morocco within the sub-Saharan Africa


From Homer to HOMERe: higher corporate training in the Mediterranean

HOMERe is the name of the programme of the Union for the Mediterranean aimed at developing educational and occupational opportunities in the countries of the South Mediterranean area through internships


Venice – Mediterranean and enterprises: from “business to business” to “partner to partner”

At the Italy Mediterranean Business Forum, which took place last March 26 in Venice, BusinessMed vice-president Alberto Baban stressed the importance of the Mediterranean for a new way of doing business, based on a “partner to partner” approach




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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