
Europe against corruption

The fight against corruption is an issue that concerns all of Europe and the contribution of all member countries is essential to tackle it. Among these, Italy plays a key role thanks to the recent approval of a bill on the subject, embraced by TI –It


Food Safety: Mairead McGuinness’ reflections

According to Mairead McGuinness, Vice-President of the European Parliament, food safety stands for political stability. Implementation, agriculture and communication are the actions to be fostered in order to improve the cooperation between countries and guarantee a better future, starting from Expo


Art and communication: a new format labelled SkyArte and Pomilio Blumm

The broadcasting of the innovative TV programme conceived and advocated by SkyArte HD and Pomilio Blumm is expected for next Autumn: a four-episode format where young International emerging artists will be called upon to express themselves on institutional communication


Relational business: the economic diplomacy of Morocco in Western Africa

King Mohammed VI to Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau and Gabon to assess the state of progress of partnership projects launched in order to strengthen the presence of Morocco within the sub-Saharan Africa



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