
Domus Aurea: crowdfunding meets culture

With an innovative project of collective financing in progress and a digital story told in a dedicated blog, the site of the Domus Aurea is an interesting case of heritage enhancement. Its scientific director, Fedora Filippi, explains why


Anna Lindh Foundation: Mediterranean Journalist Award in London

Journalists who have had the courage to reveal "The different faces of intolerance in the Euro-Mediterranean region" were awarded in London by Anna Lindh Foundation. According to the President of the Foundation, Azoulay, becoming aware of the true state of things is the right way to understand that "another Mediterranean is possible"


Heritage and identity: the agenda of the EU

Cultural heritage plays a key role in Europe's future, ranging from being the cause of conflicts to a component of identity. Stephen Clark, director for relations with the citizens at the European Parliament, explains why this is the case. He describes the institutional activities devoted to communicating the heritage, including the initiative "House of European History"


A new narrative for Europe

Promoting, supporting and maintaining an authentic European sentiment, able to keep together Institutions and citizens in the name of a common culture, is the goal of the project "A New Narrative for Europe", launched last year by the EU Commission




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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