
Domus Aurea: crowdfunding meets culture

With an innovative project of collective financing in progress and a digital story told in a dedicated blog, the site of the Domus Aurea is an interesting case of heritage enhancement. Its scientific director, Fedora Filippi, explains why

Living proof of a very strong Euro-Mediterranean koinè, powerful communication medium of classical culture in the world and stimulus for the Italian brand rebirth: that’s the Domus Aurea, according to Fedora Filippi, the head of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Rome.

In her speech at the ICS Rome, she has presented the restoration project of the old residence of Nero, emphasizing the role of new technologies and civic participation: “We have a blog that tells what we do - she says - and it has been achieving a success that we did not expect: we were also reported as a best practice in the UN-Habitat project.”

“Through this blog - continues Fedora Filippi - people have started to write asking us to participate and during such a difficult moment in the relationship between citizens and Public Administration it seemed almost a miracle to us. All this has happened simultaneously with the launch of the crowdfunding initiative by the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini.”

On the challenges related to the dissemination of the project and in general to the institutional communication, Ms. Filippi adds: “It is important that, as technicians, we learn to communicate and use a proper language and, at the same time, it is important that the public sector learns to understand the complexities we have to face: this could be a mission of education and a way to increase a more widespread culture, too.”



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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