
Communicating science: the innovative formula of Sardinia

With an award dedicated to scientific divulgation and created for researchers, teachers and communicators, the Region of Sardinia is an interesting case of promotion of scientific and technological culture


The value of sport: Europe’s recipe

Expo is the privileged place to promote the union of sport and nutrition. Through a dedicated event, the European Union has stressed the importance of a conscious consumption and a healthy physical activity for the well-being of the individual and of the community


Art and communication: a new format labelled SkyArte and Pomilio Blumm

The broadcasting of the innovative TV programme conceived and advocated by SkyArte HD and Pomilio Blumm is expected for next Autumn: a four-episode format where young International emerging artists will be called upon to express themselves on institutional communication


Etgar Keret and the narrative power of irony

From the legacy of Jewish storytelling tradition to reading as identification with the other, to irony as a means to communicate in a straightforward and effective way: the Israeli writer and director Etgar Keret reflects on the connection between humour and storytelling




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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