
Newhouse Center for Global Engagement: the power of storytelling

Confronting a global theme by transforming ideas into action, creating and disseminating knowledge with means accessible to all: these are the activities of the Newhouse Center for Global Engagement, as explained by Ken Harper, the Center’s director


Apocalypse Postponed 50 years after: the contribution of ICS to the debate on Eco's theory

In 2014 "Apocalypse Postponed", famous essay by Umberto Eco, has turned fifty, and was talked about again. Another book, today, reconstructs its history and success, accompanied by an exclusive interview with the author: labeled ICS


Rural development: the commitment of the European policies

Accessibility, sustainability and generational change are the key principles of the new rural development process promoted by the European Union. Starting from the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy that was discussed in the "showcase” of Expo


Communicating science: the innovative formula of Sardinia

With an award dedicated to scientific divulgation and created for researchers, teachers and communicators, the Region of Sardinia is an interesting case of promotion of scientific and technological culture



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