From Cicero’s “sense of the State” to the initiative for the adoption of the Freedom of Information Act and the appeal to a greater civic-mindedness for a better "use" of transparency: the reflections of Davide Del Monte, the Director of TI-It, at the last ICS
With an innovative project of collective financing in progress and a digital story told in a dedicated blog, the site of the Domus Aurea is an interesting case of heritage enhancement. Its scientific director, Fedora Filippi, explains why
Past lives in present, inspiring the future: the president of the Acropolis Museum, Dimitrios Pandermalis reflects on the value of our cultural heritage, showing the way chosen by the Athens Museums to engage visitors
In his opening speech at the ICS Rome, the director general of Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterranean has reflected on contemporary challenges related to the re-launch of the Italian brand, which also come along with heritage enhancement