
Transparency in Europe: the commitment of candidates

Transparency International has addressed to candidates in the European elections a petition for greater transparency and accountability of EU institutions: about 500 agreed to the initiative. The phenomenon of corruption, as evidenced by the reports published by the Commission, is diffused


Art and communication. From the Mediterranean to the future

Always anticipating future times and elected ground for experimentation, art communicates with society again and is an acute and courageous interlocutor in the relationship between public and private, between institutions and citizens


Women (in)visible in European newscasts

The new results of the European Observatory on Representations of Gender have been published: rising but still low the visibility given to women in the news of the major European news programs. It is generally high, instead, the number of female journalists


Ethan Zuckerman: our little interconnected world

From the paradox of news increasingly tending to be locally created to the challenge of a truly "global" writing, capable of moving beyond the reader's cultural background. The director of the MIT Center for Civic Media reflects upon information and globalization



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