International Communication Summit

ICS is an international laboratory for exploring in depth specialistic matters, a space of discussion for communicators and among communicators, to follow innovation and tendencies in the field through the thoughts of its most acute interpreters.



  • 1/2018

    Arjun Appadurai

    Towards a politics of hope

    The inteview with the Arjun Appadurai opens the dense number dedicated to migrations. From the moving report of the mayor of Lesbo to the data journalism inquiry "Migrant Files", here are a collective reflection on a phenomenon which social, cultural and political consequences become every day more and more relevant. Segui il link

  • n. 3/2015 - Expo 2015 Special Issue

    Philip Kotler

    Millennial Marketing

    Special edition of ICS Magzine, that celebrates Expo in Milan with a collection of messages from international summits in Europe and beyond: among the voices that enrich this issue Philip Kotler stands out as the undisputed guru of modern marketing.

  • N. 1-2 / 2015

    Michael Dobbs

    House of Europe

    An issue dedicated to the different cultural forms of storytelling. On the cover, Europe seen through the eyes (and the pen) of Michael Dobbs. Inside, the reflections of Frank Rose on immersiveness and the anthropological photos of Jimmy Nelson.

  • N. 4/2014

    Spike Lee

    United States of Europe

    The unique “vision of Europe” by Spike Lee opens this issue on heritage communication, in which the authoritative voice of  Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is also present. Amit Sood and Simona Panseri from the Google Cultural Institute project describe the special encounter between cultural heritage and new technologies. Yasser G. Aref illustrates the IAM project for the 3D reconstruction of ancient Alexandria. Danco Singer talks about the Encyclomedia project and Stefano Jacoviello shows the crowdsourcing platform Panspeech.

  • N. 2-3/2014

    Umberto Eco

    Digital amnesia

    An exclusive interview with Umberto Eco on the dynamics of memory opens this issue on cultural communication. Andrew Keen and Ben Hammersley reflect on the two sides of social media. Ivan Cotroneo and Elisabetta Sgarbi express their opinions on crucial themes for today’s communication such as the modern obsession for storytelling, the success of cultural festivals, editorial marketing and the rules of culture on the web.


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