
E-government: Morocco, the African avant-garde

A web platform, a call centre and an app: Morocco uses digital technologies to shorten distances between public administration and users. The objective is to improve the quality of the services provided

Morocco has officially launched the web platform service-public.ma where Moroccan citizens – either residing in Morocco and abroad – and foreigners too, can find information on the National public services.

Around 720 online procedures and administrative documents required to obtain the ID card or the passport, as well as those required to drive vehicles, for business creation and customs documents. The surfers/users who can’t find what they need can contact the dedicated call centre or ask information by e-mail through the website itself.

Moreover, in order to smooth the relationship with the Public Administration, the bilingual (Arab/French) app iderati has been created.

The Ministry of  the Civil Service and of the Modernisation of Administration of Morocco has announced that the initiative is part of the actions carried out by the Ministry to improve the performance of the public service and optimise the quality of the services provided to citizens.  Furthermore, Morocco has been the first country to launch in 2011 an online consultation on the reform of Constitution.

Morocco definitely represents an example to follow for the digitalisation of the PA also in Italy.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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