
Union for the Mediterranean: talking to the citizen

Beyond reports for internal use, beyond documents for “insiders”. In order to communicate their outcomes, Institutions must first of all speak to and with citizens, taking their perspective: this is what Fathallah Sijilmassi, secretary general of the UfM, has said


Mediterranean: twenty years forgotten?

The anniversary of the Barcelona Conference falls this year. In November 1995 this conference launched a big community policy for South Mediterranean countries based on three pillars: economy, society and culture


Between fear and resistance, a portrait of insecure Europe

The last report of the European Observatory on security has been released: economic crisis and terrorism are still on top of EU citizens worries. With a twist: a growing ability to resist, which reduces anxieties and makes room for a little hope towards the future


Zygmunt Bauman: communicating the uncertainty

From the globalised fear to the individual sense of uncertainty and vulnerability, Zygmunt Bauman reflects on the psychological and social impact of liquid modernity. And he warns: the line of historical development, which is pendulum-like, has just changed course



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