
Teamwork between companies and diplomacy: the case of Italy

A study on the economic impact of the action of the Italian economic diplomacy showed that 756 projects undertaken by more than 330 Italian companies outside Italy have generated, with the support of the diplomatic network of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a 16 billion Euros added value


Perceived corruption: Transparency International Index

Transparency International published its new CPI 2016: the Corruption Perception Index, which ranks 176 countries in the World according to their perceived levels of corruption


Ferzan Ozpetek: "My Mediterranean language"

Are there codes, symbols, narratives that are shared between Europe and the Mediterranean? Is it possible to identify a common language? Here’s the opinion of Ferzan Ozpetek, the Turkish director whose privileged narrative keys are feelings and dialogue between cultures


The ethical value of time: between "already done" and "to do"

In a world where everything is simultaneous, “taking time” becomes a revolutionary act: only in the space between project and action, it is possible to imagine a change and the strength to start over


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