
Women, work, integration: the UfM commitment in a video

To promote equal rights between men and women, increasing women's participation in social, civil, political and economic life. Moreover, to fight forms of violence and discrimination: that’s the message launched by the Union for the Mediterranean

Numbers, graphic arts, animations to highlight the activities that the UfM-Union for the Mediterranean has dedicated to the women’s integration in the labor market: here’s the new video made by the international organization in collaboration with the Pomilio Blumm agency and presented at the Conference "Fostering Women's Participation in Economic Life", held on May 19-21 in Barcelona.

The event was attended by representatives of institutions, particularly from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa), committed to bring out the figure and the role of women in economic development in the Mediterranean region, through the promotion of concrete actions. As the video suggests, increasing the role of women as a labor force in the reference area is not only socially and morally right, but it is relevant within the economic system.

«All efforts to promote economic development in the Mediterranean – says indeed Delphine Borione, Deputy General Secretary of the UfM - will be useless until the women will not be involved. The Mediterranean region continues to be the area in which women are less integrated into the world of work».



ICS Editorial

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