
Expo: appointment with innovation at EU Pavilion

Invaluable asset for our survival and for that of future generations, the soil was the protagonist at Expo in Milan, with three days of events aiming at raising awareness of the importance of soil protection

Interactive and fun displays, designed not only for children but for the whole family, in a show that had strong local flavors: three days of experiences, fun and meetings on the importance of soil for the life and welfare of people and their environment. This was the theme of "Soil - Where Food Begins!" held in Milan on August 7 to 9, in Cascina Triulza spaces at EXPO.

The event, managed by Pomilio Blumm, was promoted by the Joint Research Centre (JCR) of the European Commission, in collaboration with Ersaf (regional body for services to Agriculture and Forests), Lombardy Region, Ipla (The Institute for wood plants and the environment), Piedmont Region, Emilia Romagna Region, Lega Ambiente (Environmental League) and European network on soil awareness.

"The lands in many places of the world – said the JRC representatives - are at risk for several reasons: expanding cities, unsustainable land use, deforestation, overgrazing, pollution and climate change. The ground is connected to almost all aspects of our lives, it is a precious resource for food security and for the essential functions of ecosystems. However, on the political and public level there is lack of awareness of its importance".



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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