
Ambrogino d'oro: Milan awards Transparency

The President of Transparency International Italia, Maria Teresa Brassiolo, has received the prestigious award “Ambrogino d’oro” from the City of Milan: an important acknowledgement to her civic engagement and anticorruption commitment

“I am moved by the fact that the city of Milan awarded me with this prize, which I thought was something I could not hope for”: this is how Maria Teresa Brassiolo, President of Transparency International Italia, received the Ambrogino d’oro, the highest honour of the City of Milan.

Awarded with the gold medal together with other twenty personalities of the Lombardo capital (in addition to twenty seven Civic Merit Certifications), Maria Teresa Brassiolo emphasized the civic attention of the City of Milan: “Once again, Milan has proved to be capable of recognizing the work done in the interest of the community, regardless of who is guiding its politics”

The president of the TI-It also went through the stages of a continuous collaboration with the City’s majors, that started more than twenty years ago: “Major Formentini had opened a Transparency Italy at the Accounting offices and Municipal Societies to verify the costs of the public works and services before and after “mani pulite” (clean hands, a major political and social scandal in Italy, that saw many high level politics involved and condemned) from which the first world analysis of the cost of corruption originated; Major Albertini, has applied our Patti di Integrità (Integrity Pacts) to public tenders, Milan is among the first cities in the world to have done so, and to my belief, with the most efficient modality; Major Moratti wanted to apply our Rules of Integrity to the EXPO 2015 procedures; Major Pisapia has rapidly activated the anti corruption law and the protection of the civil observers.

“It is in this journey – concludes with satisfaction and pride Maria Teresa Brassiolo – that I find the greatness of the city to which I am proud to belong”.



ICS Editorial

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