
Data citizen journalism: news-making lessons with Aron Pilhofer

It is the least explored area of journalism, but it is also the most challenging for the future: here’s the part of news-making that involves directly readers, turning them into reporters and witnesses. Words of Aron Pilhofer, director of the digital unit of The Guardian

Participated and participative: here are the keywords of the contemporary journalism according to Aron Pilhofer, director of the digital unit of The Guardian, former head of the Interactive News Service of The New York Times. In the margins of the last edition of the International Journalism Festival, back to our microphones, Aron Pilohfer reflects on the future of the digital sector, a future that experts and readers will write together.

"I think that journalism - Pilhofer says - should be rethought in a conversational sense. It's time to open up to the participation of readers, a great opportunity in terms of creative potentiality. Their involvement is still limited to very simple initiatives, such as sharing pictures, but in perspective the possibilities are numerous."

Hence, talking about the ways recipients can, in part, become real authors of the news, Pilhofer adds: "Readers can be a valuable source of information, we may seek their opinion on certain topics as experts and giving them a voice we could tell true and unique stories, otherwise silenced. Hence,  involving readers in the entire production process is the great opportunity I see for the future journalism."



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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