
Act, react, impact: the european parliament looks at citizens

“This time is different” is the key message of the European Parliament communication campaign for the upcoming elections. Stephen Clark, coordinator of the campaign explains why.

Crisis, anger and frustration. These are the subjects the communication of the European Parliament has decided to address, avoiding sweetened messages and glossy scenarios: confirmed by Stephen Clark, head of Relations with citizens of the European Parliament and coordinator of the communication campaign for the 2014 elections.

“The video we have launched – Clark declared during the last ICS Europe in Brussels – shows that the European Parliament is aware of being founded upon the lives and experiences of real people, it is not a self-referential institution”.

He added: “For the first time, citizens will be able to decide first hand who will be the president of the Commission and our job as communicators is to put in contact politicians and citizens and then to step aside: they are the interested parties in this important European dialogue”.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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