
Digital tourism: best practices and new trends in Pomilio Blumm’s research

Pomilio Lab conducted a study on the tourism communication and its specificity, starting from the analysis of some territorial campaigns. The research, became an academic essay, was published in Italy in the book “Dire la Natura. Ambiente e significazione” (Tell Nature. Environment and signification)

How to communicate a value such as territorial identity which is so important as little tangible? How can its own “soul” be perceived? What makes a territory a brand? Pomilio Lab (the research and development unit of the agency Pomilio Blumm) sought an answer to these questions through a comparative analysis on some tourism campaigns of three regions of Italy, one of the countries mainly affected by  global tourist flows.

The research, which allowed to associate with each communication a visual-semantic specific system and an experiential model of reference, became an academic essay whose title is  “Na-turismi: racconti e immagini di territori” (Na-tourisms: stories and pictures of the territories). The paper, presented at the XLII Congress of the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies, has been published in the book “Dire la Natura. Ambiente e significazione” (Tell Nature. Environment and signification) last October in Italy and edited by various semiologists: Guido Ferraro, Alice Giannitrapani, Gianfranco Marrone and Stefano Traini.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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