
Sport as a reserve of the imaginary

An infinite source of great stories and a vehicle of fundamental collective values, such as competition, discipline, sharing: sport is one of the most powerful symbolic areas of daily life, and a unique training ground for the contemporary communication

"There is one thing that not a single student movement, urban revolt, or global protest of any kind will ever be able to do, even if it can be considered an essential one. I am talking about invading a sports field on Sunday". In 1973, in a little-known book entitled Il costume di casa (Faith In Fakes), Umberto Eco reflected on the vices and virtues of Italy of that time and among them a place of honor is reserved for the sport.

This topic never goes out of fashion, but in this period, just after the closing of the European Games in Baku, it is particularly important from the communicative point of view, as the Games were a rehearsal of the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio. The sport is in fact, to quote Eco, the only shared area of life "that no one, either out of conviction or a demagogic calculation, would let touch": a sort of symbolic protected area, a collective "reserve of meanings" that can not be questioned.

Therefore, sport is a great connector of meanings, catalyst of symbols, which allows those who are called to talk about it a great creative and inventive variability, but above all it can be a powerful vehicle for identity and recognition, conveyor of the fundamental values ​​for the life-in-common: discipline, play, competition, but first and foremost sharing. This power makes the sport an infinite narrative source, in every age and culture. And thanks to this power every story, even the least significant, becomes the story of all of us.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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