
Spike Lee: building a "European Nation"

The long history of the Old World meets the pioneering sensitivity of one of the most perceptive storytellers of our time: from the US, film director Spike Lee talks about his vision of Europe at the International Communication Summit in Brussels

“How would one tell the story of Europe? It should start with the people”: this is how Spike Lee answered the question raised at the International Communications Summit in Brussels, that was dedicated to storytelling, memory and collective identity.

Directly from the United States, the African American film director spoke about the intercultural European vocation  - this is the point of view of someone who has made the dialogue between cultures a cornerstone of his militancy, beyond being its creative source. "The soul of a nation - continued Lee - is its people: the people are the only real source of inspiration to tell the story of a country or a continent."

Concerning the power of a narrative to overcome geographical and cultural boundaries, the director added: "I've seen a lot of European cinema during the film school and one of my favorite movies was "The Bicycle Thieves". This film, born in a culture so far removed from my own, still has a great impact on me".



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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