
Mediterranean business associations: turning tables

Great changes for the Mediterranean business associations leaderships: from Tunis to Algiers to Rome, new appointments in Businessmed, in the Forum des Chefs d'Entreprises and in Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo

The Lebanese Jacques Sarraf is the new president of Businessmed, the organization gathering sub-Mediterranean business Associations. After Tunisia, Businessmed's leadership goes to Mashraq, the macro-region of Eastern Mediterranean.

A long-term businessman, Sarraf is the Head of Malia Holding, one of the biggest groups in the Middle East; he is also the founder and honorary president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association.

Another changing of the guard (and generation) also in Algiers for the Forum des Chef d’Entreprises, the youngest and most dynamic Algerian business association: indeed, the Assembly has unanimously elected Ali Haddad, turning fifty in January 2015, CEO of the Btp Etrhb group (Construction and public works), who takes Reda Hamiani's place.

New appointments also in Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo: among others, the appointment of Franco Pomilio-Pomilio Blumm in the Governing Board was confirmed also for 2015/2016; with this new composition – that includes other Italian excellences (Martini, Pieralisi, Corà Legnami, Pert Engineering) – the board will celebrate the Association's 35 years of life on the occasion of Expo 2015.



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