
Euromediterranetwork: the first meeting in Brussels with ICS Europe

An alliance of integrated communication agencies with a “European soul”, socially responsible and willing to play an important role in the European and Mediterranean landscape: that’s the identity of the new EuroMediterraNetwork, whose first meeting will be held in Brussels at the end of ICS Europe

Embrace the opportunities within the field of communication in the European and Mediterranean landscape in a transparent and ethical way is the mission of the EuroMediterraNetwork, that brings together communication professionals from across Europe, enabling them to work with and for the EU, the Mediterranean and the Near East areas.

Launched in January 2014, the network already has 18 members from all over the Euromediterranean area, from Italy to Egypt, from Germany to Turkey, from the UK to Tunisia. The network is also present in developing countries with two of its members from China and India.

The first EuroMediterraNetwork meeting is scheduled for 24 September: it will be held at the Bibliothèque Solvay in Brussels, at the end of the ICS Europe on heritage communication with Spike Lee and Sir Micheal Dobbs as the main speakers and Yasser G. Aref (Bibliotheca Alexandrina), Simona Panseri (Google Italy), Stephen Clark (European Parliament) and Stefano Jacoviello (University of Siena) as speakers.

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ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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