
Defend your ideas: the new italian communication ad on industrial property is on air

The Italian Ministry of Economic Development has launched a new communication campaign: a clear, original and impacting message, with trademarks and patents as unbreakable shields to fight forgery and protect the value of ideas

However original, innovative and valuable, every idea may reveal weak and vulnerable if not correctly protected. That is the strong and sharp message the Italian Ministry of Economic Development means to spread with its new communication campaign “Defend industrial property, make your ideas grow”, made thanks to the support of the Editorial Department of the Italian Government Presidency.

Designed by Pomilio Blumm, the campaign stresses the value of ideas and the relevance of some tools, such as trademarks and patents, to protect and allow them to survive, in this historical moment when counterfeiting is heavily affecting italian economy.

By means of appealing and easily recognizable visual elements, the message reaches a wide and diversified audience, which includes citizens and institutions. The campaign plan includes video and radio adverts on different media and aims at a widespread diffusion.



ICS Editorial

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