
ICS magbook #2: a new way for communication in Europe

To be released in January, published by Fausto Lupetti both in English and Italian, the second volume of the series collecting the best theories of communication – and not only – revised and reinterpreted through the vision and experience of Pomilio Blumm

The release date of ICS Magbook 2015, the second volume of the editorial series created by Pomilio Blumm, is forthcoming: a precious end-of-the-year gift containing the good resolutions for the communication to come, performed by Pomilio Lab and enriched with the most significant contributions published over the past years on ICS Magzine and hosted at the International Communication Summit – Pomilio Blumm.

The Rhino’s theories, this is the title, suggests a new way for communication in Europe through the thoughts and experiences of the gurus who have been engaging with Pomilio Blumm for a long time. This path has been summarized by the CEO, Franco Pomilio, in his opening remarks, which are the common thread of the whole book: a lexicon, organized by key values, from happiness to identity, synthesizing an analytical interpretation of the present and representing a real handbook for communication to come.

From digital oblivion of semiologist Umberto Eco, to the voice of Twitter founder Biz Stone and the contribution on innovation and sharing by Geoff Mulgan, with Europe’s most influential policy makers, the common thread of the entire volume, published by Fausto Lupetti, is the understanding  and dissemination of culture, digital and beyond. To give life to a new species of communication.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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